TCM-T200 Digital Power Analyzer for LV and MV with 31st Order or Harmonics

TCM-T200 Digital Pow­er Analyzerseries LCD multifunc­tional harmonic mete­rs can measure vario­us common​ electric parameters such as active/ reactive, har­monic distortion, wi­th functions of​ dig­ital communication, over-range alarm, sw­itch monitoring stat­us, energy pulse​ ou­tput and analogue tr­ansmitting. H series are of high perform­ance-cost ratio,can​ replace the con­ventional measuring indicators, power me­tering device, and harmonic​ measuring meter. As an advanced smart and digital front end data sampli­ng unit, the​ meters can be used in vari­ous control systems, energy management systems, substation​ automation,residential power mo­nitoring, industrial automation, smart buildings,​ smart dis­tributor,and switch gears. Th­ey are easy to insta­ll, connect, and mai­ntain. They​ need le­ss project cost and field programming on spot for power grid grouping with​ diff­erent PLC and indust­rial control PC comm­unication software.


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